If you would like to list your property for TV, Film, Photo and Special Events location rentals, You can submit a few photographs of your property below.
A2Z Spaces will provide a representation agreement, if all terms and conditions have been met. If required, our photographer will take additional photographs at no charge.
You are the legal owner or legal holder of the copyrights of all photographs and videos submitted with your application.
You are the legal owner of the property and/or have the legal authority to act on behalf of the owner.
You grant A2Z Spaces and/or its affiliates the right to use the images without compensation.
You are over the age of 18.
You grant A2Z Spaces the right to use the images without compensation.
By submitting photographs of your property, you grant A2Z Spaces permission to utilize the photographs for the purposes to represent your property, and to present the photographs, videos to producers, location managers, location scouts, photo editors and others in the entertainment and special events industry.
A2Z Spaces, may use, post, copy, display, publish, exhibit and/or distribute for marketing and promotional purposes, the photographs in any form, including but not limited to, electronic, print, digital, and/or electronic publishing via the Internet. Once your application has been accepted and a representation agreement has been signed.